Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Create a Gemstone

I have a new tutorial to share on how to create a gemstone.  This tutorial was written 10 January 2012 in PSP 9, but it should work in other versions of the program. You can see the end result of the method I use, and which is shared in this tutorial, in the image above.  Just wanted to add a note of thanks for the feedback on my first tut. Glad to know that everyone was able to follow it without any problems, and I hope that will be the case for this one as well.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Create a Houndstooth Pattern

Happy New Year!  Thought it was time to start using this blog and share an inaugural tutorial.  This tutorial was written 1 January 2012 using PSP 9.  It should work in other versions of the program.  The only filter needed to do this tutorial is Simple Filters - Diamond which is a free filter.  It's available here if you don't already have it.

This is my first attempt at writing a tutorial so feedback would be great - good, bad or otherwise.  Need more screenshots or less?  More explanations or less?  Thought I'd write this one up first since I used this same method to create the background on my blog here.